Musings from David Norfolk, Practice Leader for Development & Governance.

Is smart DM an alternative to MDM?

Frank Johnson has been taking me to task over my view of MDM in my recent blog. He thinks that that I'm being rather impracticable as far as smaller companies are concerned It was enough that...

The MDM Tarpit

As I look over my Governance landscape I find that I struggle to see how MDM (Master Data Management) really fits into it. Master Data isn't something new, as far as I can see, it's just data. And...

Visual Configuration Management

I have to admit that I think that configuration management is a universal good thing—unless you know what you have, where it is running, how it is configured and who is allowed to use it, you...

Making BrITain Great Again

It's nice to talk about something positive for a change—and to meet a company actually trying to be positive about UK plc's prospects. Micro Focus collected a panel of the Great and Good to...

Systems Engineering and SysML

I've always been a bit depressed about Systems Analysis in practice, since rather enjoying it in my computer science courses alongside lectures on Systems Theory, because the only system Systems...

Snippets from Sybase

Well, I'm at the New York Stock Exchange, where Sybase is hosting the launch of its time-series version of RAP and the security is a bit OTT (although it is pretty close to where the World...