Nigel Stanley was the IT Security Practice Leader for Bloor Research. In this blog Nigel commented on the world of IT security and other areas of interest.

Your life on a USB Key Drive?

A recent innovation is the use of a USB key drive that can be worn securely around the neck or wrist containing your medical data. Is this a good idea?

Am I paranoid?

I sometimes wonder if I am turning into a sad cynical so-and-so that believes nothing I am told and is paranoid that "they" are all out to get me.

Scrap Cars and Exploits

You run IE in your business and another flaw is found in the software. Do you install a third party fix to address the problem or wait until Microsoft release an "official" patch?

Is Internet Banking Secure?

There seems to be two camps - those that are cool about internet banking and those that won't be seen within a mile of a PC linked up to a bank. The latest threats should make you think again.

Firefox 2 Nearly Ready

Good news - Firefox 2 nearly ready. Release Candidate 1 for version 2 is aimed at those that want to get their head around "almost ready" software.