VMware Greenplum - A Powerful Data Warehouse for Large Scale Analytics22nd July 2022Andy Hayler Andy Hayler explores the background of data warehouses, and looks at Greenplum, a highly scalable open-source massively parallel warehouse.
The Cloud, Data Warehousing and Snowflake, all my old ideas shot to ribbons!26th February 2018David Norris An introduction to Snowflake a true data warehouse for the Cloud
TigerGraph26th September 2017Philip Howard TigerGraph is a graph database that has just been formally released. It is targeted at real-time graph analytics.
Pentaho 7.1 a point release but one that Sparks my interest8th June 2017David Norris A Point Release of the Pentaho BI stack that is worthy of attention
SAS goes open27th June 2016Philip Howard SAS is being innovative in a number of areas, not least of which is opening up to other languages
ERwin runs free - just in time to take on the GDPR problem, perhaps11th April 2016David Norfolk ERwin has just been spun out from CA Technologies
Guavus – Using analytics to achieve the impossible dream of making cuts without detrimental impact.22nd January 2016David Norris Guavus - use analytics to determine the real impact of both investments and cuts. Enabling cost savings which do not impair the customer experience !
Bringing governance to big data12th November 2015Philip Howard IBM and Informatica have both just come out with big data integration and governance products
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Kerberos R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn - translation: "In his house at R'lyeh dead Kerberos waits dreaming".13th October 2015David Norfolk Security is important for Hadoop data resources. This means that you must come to grips with Kerberos.