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This paper has been superseded by Test Data Management (2024) (June, 2024)

Test Data Management (2021)

00002647 - TEST DATA MANAGEMENT Market Update (cover thumbnail)

Classification: Market Update

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Testing is an essential part of development, and to test effectively, you will need test data. What’s more, you will want that test data to be anonymised, meaningfully representative, and easily accessible, among other things. Accomplishing all of this is the domain of test data management.

This report discusses test data management as a space, with a particular eye towards the three most prominent approaches available for handling test data – data subsetting, synthetic data generation, and database virtualisation – as well as data masking, which is frequently used in conjunction with these. It also evaluates the vendors in the space, which run the gamut from small, focused pure-plays to expansive, seemingly all-encompassing platforms.

To put it shortly, test data management is a large and varied space, of equal parts bold innovation and time-tested maturity, and this paper exists to help guide you through it.

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