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AI - Further Information

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00002859 - Experian data gov technology Spotlight (cover)

Experian continue to incorporate data governance technology into their portfolio

Experian continue to incorporate data governance technology Intozetta into their portfolio, including AI capabilities.
00002854 - K2 view Limitation of AI Gen SQL (cover thumb)

RAGs to Riches?

AI is all the rage but what are the issues with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and SQL generated by AI?
SNAPLOGIC Data Fabric InBrief (cover thumbnail)

SnapLogic in the Data Fabric

SnapLogic has data integration capabilities that support data fabric and data mesh.
INFORMATICA Data Quality InBrief (thumbnail)

Data Quality with Informatica

Informatica continues to build on its data quality offering with additional AI features.
Importance of global networks White Paper (cover thumbnail)

The importance of assuring the digital experience in delivering business services

This white paper will outline the technical, organisational and cultural challenges that need to be addressed to be able to provide realistic, evidence-based, Digital Experience Assurance.
INTERSYSTEMS InBrief cover thumbnail

InterSystems and the Data Fabric

How the InterSystems IRIS platform plays within a data fabric architecture.
Bloor AI Usage Survey Analysis (cover)

Bloor Research AI survey analysis - What is the current state of AI implementation?

This survey of 180 enterprises assess the current state of generative AI implementations, including which areas are of most interest and the challenges involved.
COLLIBRA data intelligence solution InBrief cover thumbnail

Collibra data intelligence solution

Collibra continues to evolve its data governance platform with artificial intelligence extensions and other enhancements in the next release.
SOLIX Common Data Platform White Paper (cover thumbnail)

AI and Generative AI within an Enterprise Information Architecture - Solix and The Operating System for the Enterprise

An Enterprise Information Architecture can be viewed as the operating system of the Enterprise by means of which all applications are deployed and executed.
ALATION InBrief (cover thumbnail)


Alation is a modern data catalog product with artificial intelligence underpinnings.
00002878 - eBook Generative AI Value (cover thumbnail)

Generative AI Value & Limitations

Generative AI has many use cases across industries as well as some limitations.
Gen AI white paper cover thumbnail

Architecture Patterns for Enterprise Generative AI

Generative AI is the latest computing technology to take the world by storm. In this report, we discuss various data architectures for generative AI.
Myths, promises and threats ebook cover

Myths, Promises & Threats: Generative Al for the Enterprise

Generative AI (GAI) has emerged as another transformative technology. It offers dramatic benefits, but may also foster chaos.
00002770 - MODERNISATION UNIFACE Spotlight (cover thumbnail)

Modernisation with modern tools empowers you to do more with less - And modernisation thrives on modern approaches, such as Low Code and AI

Modernisation is better than rip and replace, taking advantage of Low Code, AI (Augmented Intelligence), DevOps etc.
Cover for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

How does ML/AI work, who are the vendors and why you should care?
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