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This paper has been superseded by Master Data Management (2023) (September, 2023)

Master Data Management Market Update – 2009

Cover for Master Data Management Market Update - 2009

Classification: Market Update

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This document provides a snapshot of
the current state of the Master Data
Management (MDM) market. Master
data is data that is shared between
computer systems: data domains
such as “customer”, “product”,
“location” and “asset”.
Large organisations have
many systems which store
such information and the
management of multiple and
competing definitions of this
data is known as master data

In this document we
deliberately include the full
spectrum of MDM products;
some have a heritage of either
CDI (customer data integration)
or PIM (product information
management), or even vendor/supplier
management, while others were designed
to deal with multiple data domains. Although
these different data domains have different
characteristics, we believe these distinctions
will blur as customers increasingly take
a more integrated, multi-domain view of
MDM. After all, customers buy products,
and products are sold from locations,
and we increasingly see existing MDM
implementations which started in one domain
expanding out into other, related domains.

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