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Log and Event Management

Cover for Log and Event Management

Classification: Market Guide

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This Market Report consolidates and extends a variety of reports and papers produced by Bloor Research into the log and (security) event management market, which is also sometimes referred to as the SIEM (security information and event management) market.

During the course of our research into this market we invited 23 companies to complete a detailed questionnaire and we also conducted interviews and spoke with end users. 18 of the companies approached elected to take part in our research (which doesn’t say much for the marketing efforts of the remaining vendors), including ArcSight, CA Technologies, eIQnetworks, IBM, LogLogic, LogMatrix, LogRhythm, netForensics, NetIQ, Novell, Prism, Q1 Labs, RSA, SECnology, SenSage, Symantec, Tier-3 and Trustwave. The most notable absentees are Nitro Security, Trigeo and Tripwire.

This report is divided into the following sections:

  • The market for log and event management: a discussion of issues and trends
  • Product comparisons: table-based checklists against major features
  • Products: details of the relevant vendor’s offerings, scored across common criteria
  • Bullseye and summary

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