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Graph Databases (2023)

GRAPH DATABASES MU 2023 (cover thumbnail)

Classification: Market Update

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The graph space has grown steadily over the past several years, and awareness and adoption of graph technologies have grown commensurately. Despite this, there is a sense that graph has never truly “arrived”; which is to say, it has never achieved the kind of explosive growth that would push it to the forefront of the data space. Indeed, it is increasingly unlikely that graph will ever take off in this way, despite the hopes (and in some cases predictions) of graph afficionados. A slow and steady process of growth will have to suffice. In our opinion, it is more than sufficient, and perhaps even preferable to the ups and downs of a years-long hype cycle.

In this Market Update, we report on this and other topics that pertain to the current state of the graph space, including discussions on segmentation, movement, and trends within the market. We also include a comparative study of several graph products, represented via our Bloor Bullseye.

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