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The value of big data in security - leveraging big data for intelligence-led security

Cover for The value of big data in security

Classification: White Paper

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Volumes of data created and processed by organisations are spiralling rapidly as ever more information-generating devices, including mobiles and industrial control devices connect to networks. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the amount of data generated is growing at 40% per year on a worldwide basis. That information provides valuable insights that can be used for improving operational performance and business decision making.

There is also a growing awareness that those huge volumes of data, termed big data, combined with internal and external security intelligence information, can be analysed to help organisations improve their security posture. Such data feeds provide essential information and should be continuously monitored in real time to uncover and understand deviations from what is considered to be normal behaviour to uncover threats that more reactive security controls can miss.

This paper discusses the benefits that implementing a security intelligence platform can bring and discusses the essential components that organisations should look for when selecting a system.

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