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This paper has been superseded by Master Data Management (2023) (September, 2023)

Master Data Management

Cover for Master Data Management

By: and
Classification: White Paper

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If you have ever worked in a large organisation, especially a
multinational one, you will know the frustration of trying to
get meaningful, timely information about business
performance. How profitable is a certain account? How
effective was the last promotional campaign? Which is our
best channel partner? Which product lines really make the
most money?

The problem is not a lack of data—companies are drowning
in it. The difficulty stems from the fact that complex
organisations have multiple ways of dealing with business
issues. Different countries have differing market concerns
and priorities, so set up additional systems to collect the
data they need. This results in multiple business units each
having differing figures, and each claiming their numbers
are correct. This makes intelligent decision making difficult.

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