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This page was archived on 13th July, 2022 and is no longer actively maintained.

Data Centres - Where's the Value?

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Value (newest at the top):

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FinOps – Fad, Trend or Essential? - The discipline of FinOps explained

FinOps isn’t a fad, it's an essential approach to manage the cost of cloud services, changing mindset from cloud as a cost centre to business growth and value generator
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Talent Management: a key tuning exercise in enhancing your data centre sales capabilities

In the rush to provide sales and marketing automation tools and the need to create more and more compelling content to draw customers in...
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Has the Open Compute Project Come of Age?

As I read the announcements and reviews coming out of the Open Compute Project Summit in San Jose earlier this month I got a strong sense...
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Why Enterprise CIOs need to justify running their own data centres

If your CIO comes to you on Monday and says...
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