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Applying Information Policy - Can you really extract more value from your organisation's information?

Cover for Applying Information Policy

Classification: Spotlight

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Every large enterprise carries a set of general policies which
determine the way the business will be run and the direction to
take. Within this, there are policies concerned with how to deal
with the information generated and received. In fact, it is hard to
identify a policy that is not dependent in some way on company-held

The ideal situation—the goal—is to have a set of
high-level enterprise-wide information policies from which more
granular policies are developed; for instance, for implementation
within specific lines of business (LOBs) or divisions, in turn
filtering down to departments as needed. It should also go without
saying that industry best practice should be followed at all stages
from policy design onwards.

However, information policies all need to be applied where the
information is stored and managed—on the company’s
computer systems. This typically includes central corporate
systems, often located within a data centre, and local departmental
systems serving the LOBs.

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