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EsperTech - Further Information

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content (newest at the top):

STREAM PROCESSING Market Update 2022 (cover thumbnail)

Stream Processing

This report describes and evaluates the Stream Processing space and the market trends and vendor solutions within it.
STREAMING ANALYTICS Market Update (cover thumbnail)

Streaming Analytics (2021)

Streaming analytics extracts actionable insights from streaming data in real-time. This report discusses the streaming analytics space and its solutions.
00002674 - ESPER TECH InBrief (cover thumbnail)

EsperTech (2021)

Esper is a stream processing/analytics platform that markets itself as “pure-play CEP”, and in fact was one of the first CEP engines introduced to the market.
Cover for Streaming Analytics 2018

Streaming Analytics 2018

This Market Update considers both stream processing platforms upon which you might build analytics as well as streaming analytics platforms per se.
Cover for the EsperTech InBrief

EsperTech (2018)

EsperTech is the company behind the open source Esper (Java based) and NEsper (.Net based) products, where the former was one of the first CEP engines to be introduced.
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