Baitware gets better – we should all be vigilant

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Content Copyright © 2009 Bloor. All Rights Reserved.
Also posted on: Nigel Stanley

I am always rattling on about good end user education when
it comes to IT security. Let’s face it, with a well educated, aware and on the
ball work force your chances of them introducing malware through social
engineering or phishing attempts should be reduced.

The problem is that the quality of “baitware”—that is
emailed documents that contain malware—is improving. F-Secure have an
interesting selection of baitware on their site (
The quality of the written prose is a lot better
than usual and the business speak quite convincing. Most of these would be convincing to a lot of users, except the last example of
a prize winning notification.

This just goes to show that we all need to be switched onto
this threat and the days of sniggering at poorly written scam emails maybe drawing to a close.