A tale of two mergers: Cloudera and Micro Focus12th April 2019Philip Howard Contrasting styles from two companies that have recently completed mergers/acquisitions.
The open source dilemma30th May 2017Philip Howard Is open source a licensing model or is it about crowd sourcing?
Legacy, a reassessment - Legacy applications may be generating the profits that are paying for your innovation12th August 2016David Norfolk Much of business is still running on legacy systems - if you just concentrate on innovation, you may die before it delivers.
DevOps at the Oval - Development vs. Operations16th June 2016David Norfolk DevOps does not mean NoOps
The Configuration Management Specialist Group conference29th May 2014David Norfolk he BCS CMSG conference this year is on 10 of June 2014
Continuous Engineering8th March 2014David Norfolk IBM Systems Engineering and its take on continuous deliver and DevOps
CA Technologies holds an Industry Analyst Symposium24th February 2014David Norfolk CA is on a journey, with emphasis on delivery against its new strategy.
Fact-based project tracking16th October 2013David Norfolk A new Perforce tool for extracting project metrics from software development repositories.
Telling stories at CMSG 201329th May 2013David Norfolk Why go to a face -to face conf these days? So you can hear stories...