Big Software and the 4th Industrial Revolution - Enabling the Mutable Enterprise27th September 2018Paul Bevan CIOs need to be able to articulate for their Boards how Big Software is a critical element in defining and delivering new, disruptive business models.
SentryOne gets pragmatic1st August 2018Philip Howard SentryOne has acquired Pragmatic Works Software. This is unusually synergistic and non-overlapping.
Just what is risk based testing, anyway?15th December 2016Daniel Howard Ask almost any vendor what they mean by risk based testing and they'll give you a different answer.
CA Technologies acquires Grid-Tools24th June 2015Philip Howard CA has acquired Grid-Tools. As always, the questions are what CA will do with its new products and will this be good for users?
News from CA World 2013 – Fytte the First29th April 2013David Norfolk CA Technologies has a new CEO and a new vision