How can I manage my operations?4th June 2014Simon Holloway StereoLOGIC have turned their ABPD product into a very effective Operations Management tool with the introduction of Process Analytics.
Operational Intelligence – BPM with bells on?13th May 2014Simon Holloway I recently had a briefing from Dale Skeen of Vitria concerning their new offering "Operational Intelligence Platform". This has evolved...
StereoLOGIC’s answer to Automatic Business Process Design19th April 2011Simon Holloway In February 2011, I wrote about ABPD (Automating Business Process Discovery). In this article, I look at StereoLOGIC, one of the start-ups in ABPD.
Automating Business Process Discovery14th February 2011Simon Holloway Automated Business Process Discovery is about discovering the business processes through the IT assets that are used.