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Oracle Unified Information Management Platform

ORACLE InBrief (cover thumbnail)

By: and
Classification: InBrief

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Oracle’s data management capabilities span the establishment of (cloud-based) data warehouses and data lakes via data integration, data quality, data governance, data privacy and data catalogues.

Oracle offers both Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Enterprise Edition, which is a conventional ETL/ ELT tool, and Oracle GoldenGate, which provides change data capture. There is also a separate Oracle Data Integrator Cloud for Big Data offering. Oracle Data Warehouse Builder also includes ETL capabilities as well as supporting data profiling. For data profiling more generally the company offers Oracle Data Profiler, which works in conjunction with Oracle Enterprise Data Quality. For data governance, Oracle Enterprise Data Governance is specifically concerned with sensitive data rather than, as its name might suggest, data governance more generally. It works in conjunction with Oracle Data Redaction, which provides dynamic data masking (or, more accurately, redaction) in conjunction with the Oracle database. For data governance per se there is no specific offering but relevant features are provided through Oracle Enterprise Metadata Manager and Oracle Enterprise Data Quality.

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