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Windocks - Further Information

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content (newest at the top):

00002829 - WINDOCKS TDM InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Windocks (2024)

Windocks is a platform for containerised, enterprise-level test data management designed to support and be supported by AI and machine learning technologies.
TEST DATA MANAGEMENT AND MAGE InContext (cover thumbnail)

Test Data Management and Mage

This paper discusses the challenges within the test data management space, and highlights Mage as a means of addressing them.
00002647 - TEST DATA MANAGEMENT Market Update (cover thumbnail)

Test Data Management (2021)

Test data management is an essential part of the testing process. This report discusses the space as a whole and evaluates the solutions therein.
WINDOCKS InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Windocks (2021)

Windocks is a platform for enterprise-level test data management and database virtualisation that offers extensive support for Docker database containers.
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