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Overcoming the complexity gap - the role of automation in optimising network performance and security

Cover for Overcoming the complexity gap

Classification: eBook

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The growing sophistication and pace of technology is creating challenges for security personnel-strapped organisations to keep up in the light of ever more determined and better resourced adversaries. Those technology advances include the rise in mobility and cloud computing, expanding use of virtualisation, the move to software-defined networking and microsegmentation, and the Internet of Things. This is creating a complexity gap that only looks set to get worse. Networks today look vastly different to those of just five years ago and a further sea change will be seen in the coming three to five years.

To overcome that gap, automation is essential. Deploying a network security management that automates manual functions will reduce errors and risk exposure, and enable greater productivity without the need to hire large numbers of scarce security professionals. It will vastly help in improving overall security postures and will help organisations to realise their governance and compliance objectives.

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